Saturday, April 28, 2007

Every Muslim should be a terrorist!

By: Bintang Alief Primaksara
From Chicago, North America

"Every Muslim should be a terrorist!"- Zakir Naik exclaims.
The mullah has not backed up his claims with any Islamic evidence. If the Qu'ran is read with an unbiased mind, it becomes clear that Islam condemns terrorism in all forms.

Spreading Hatred.. Dr Zakir Naik on loose
Many may think that Islam is a religion of chaos and terror. However, this ideology is absolutely false. Islam promotes peace and brotherhood between all human beings. It is the ignorant mullah who has incorporated chaos and terror within. Many may think that Islam is a religion of chaos and terror. However, this ideology is absolutely false. Islam promotes peace and brotherhood between all human beings. It is the ignorant mullah who has incorporated chaos and terror within the minds of Muslims. The mullah has brainwashed thousands of gullible Muslims into becoming terrorists. Zakir Naik is showing his support for Osama bin Laden under the case that he is terrorizing innocent U.S. citizens.
"Every Muslim should be a terrorist!"- Zakir Naik exclaims.
The mullah has not backed up his claims with any Islamic evidence. If the Qu'ran is read with an unbiased mind, it becomes clear that Islam condemns terrorism in all forms.
"As far as Islam is concerned, it categorically rejects and condemns every form of terrorism. It does not provide any cover or justification for any act of violence, be it committed by an individual, a group or a government..... I most strongly condemn all acts and forms of terrorism because it is my deeply rooted belief that not only Islam but also no true religion, whatever its name, can sanction violence and bloodshed of innocent men, women and children in the name of God."-These are the words of the fourth Khalifatul Masih, Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad.
The mullah fools the vast audiences by telling them that Terrorism is Jihad. However, the true Islamic concept of Jihad is striving in the cause of Allah. That means that a Muslim must exert himself in doing good and being a cause of happiness for fellow human beings.

Jihad falls under two categories:

1. Jihad-e-Akbar (The greatest jihad)
This form of Jihad includes striving to obtain knowledge, cleansing ones soul etc. This is the hardest form of jihad and is therefore the highest category of jihad.
2. The second is Jihad-e-asghar.
This is Jihad of the sword. This is communal Jihad and presupposes certain specific conditions. The Quran speaks of fighting only against those who first attack Muslims and this is the very condition laid down in other verses of the Holy Quran as well. The so-called verse of the sword in the Islamic scripture is often taken out of context as if it inculcates an indiscriminate massacre of all unbelievers. The Quranic words such as kill whatever you find them apply only in cases where the enemy has first attacked Muslims and apply to those unbelievers and enemies who break their oaths and firm agreements. They do not apply to unprovoked wars and battles. To interpret these verses in any other manner would be a travesty of the lofty ideals of Islam. There is not a single instance in the life of the Holy Prophet where he offered the alternative of the sword or Islam to anyone.

The Mullah is spreading hatred. He has perverted the true meaning of Jihad and is using it for personal gain and publicity. Zakir Naik is on the loose. He must be stopped.
"Love for all, hatred for none."--The slogan of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community; the one true Jamaat which denounces terrorism and promotes peace between all human beings, irrespective of race, colour, or religion.

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